Las Tesoros de San Antonio are a group of elder women performers, nuestras sabias del Westside of San Antonio with incredible singing careers that soared both locally and internationally in the 1940s, 50s and 60s. They include Rita “La Calandria” Vidaurri, Beatriz “La Paloma del Norte” Llamas, Janet “Perla Tapatia” Cortez, and Blanca “Blanquita Rosa” Rodriguez – four strong mujeres who built the foundations for San Antonio’s rich musical cultura. Through the work of the Esperanza Peace and Justice Center, a 25-year-old grassroots community cultural center, Las Tesoros have reemerged as a fierce quartet, preserving the costumbres and cultura of aquellos tiempos, and inspiring audiences with nostalgia and orgullo en nuestras raices.
2016 OC Film Fiesta
Las Tesoros de San Antonio
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